Institut de France | Goethe-Institut | Max von Laue | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris | Institut für Rundfunktechnik | Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris | Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris | Institut Catholique de Paris | Institut für Sexualwissenschaft | Institut de recherche pour le développement | Michel Langevin | Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz | Institut supérieur européen de gestion group | Institut national d'études démographiques | Institut Le Rosey | Institut international d'administration publique | Institut géographique national (France) | Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale | Institut d'Études Politiques | Institut d'Égypte | Walter Eucken Institut | Paris-Sorbonne University#Institut d'Art et d'Archéologie | Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte | l'Institut d'études politiques de Paris | Langevin Block | Langevin | James Langevin | Institut Universitaire de France | Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | Institut Seni Indonesia |
Other personalities to offer support were Professor Langevin, the Joliot-Curies, André Malraux, etc.
1937: Jan Weyssenhoff (now perhaps best known for his work on Cartan connections with zero curvature and nonzero torsion) notices that the Langevin observers are not hypersurface orthogonal.
Among special Danish competences is simulation of neutron scattering, since DTU Physics in Lyngby is the home of the McStas software collaboration (formerly Risø DTU), also comprising the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France and Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland
Maier-Leibnitz was instrumental, along with Louis Néel, in bringing about the German-French project to construct a high-flux neutron source and found the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble in 1967, named in honor of the physicist Max von Laue and Paul Langevin.
A review article by the European Journal of Physiology has acknowledged that Langevin "has made a step in the right direction and her result is important to obtain the mechanical coupling between the (acupuncture) needle and the tissues".
Langevin Block, a Canadian government building, including Prime Minister's Office
T. Coffey (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) and Yu P. Kalmykov (Université de Perpignan, France, The Langevin Equation: With Applications to Stochastic Problems in Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering (Third edition), World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics - Vol 27.
At the request of Archbishop Langevin of St. Boniface, Canada, a few members were sent from the mother-house in Hartford to establish themselves in West Canada with headquarters at Forget, Saskatchewan from where they served in four parishes.
Inelastic neutron scattering measurements can determine the dispersion curve for magnons just as they can for phonons. Important inelastic neutron scattering facilities are present at the ISIS neutron source in Oxfordshire, UK, the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France, the High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA, and at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland, USA.
In 1970, Jack Herschorn purchased the Universal Audio mixing console and a number of other pieces of equipment from that studio including UA LA-76A and LA-76B limiting amplifiers, UA vacuum tube power amplifiers (which were actually Dynakit Stereo 70 and 50-watt mono amplifier kits assembled into rack-mount chassis), Fairchild Conax sibilance controllers, Langevin graphic equalizers and Cinema Engineering filters, all originally installed in United Studio A in 1957.