
unusual facts about Insurance premium

Pension Protection Act of 2006

This legislation requires companies who have underfunded their pension plans to pay higher premiums to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and extends the requirement of providing extra funding to the pension systems of companies that terminate their pension plans.

see also

California Department of Insurance

It also broadened the Department of Insurance's responsibility for enforcement to include property insurance, automobile insurance, life insurance and other types of casualty coverages, including a requirement that the property and casualty insurance premium rates must be pre-approved by the Department.

Health insurance premium index

In Switzerland the Health insurance premium index is compiled by the Federal Social Insurance Office (for the basic health insurance) and by the Federal Statistical Office (for the field of supplementary insurances).


According to Sam Radwan of Enhance International, low premium penetration (insurance premium as a % of GDP), an ageing population and the largest car market in terms of new sales, premium growth has averaged 15–20% in the past five years, and China is expected to be the largest insurance market in the next decade or two.