
unusual facts about Iranian nuclear program

State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration

Risen declined to do so both times, but in January 2011, it was revealed that former CIA agent Jeffrey Alexander Sterling had illegally leaked classified information to Risen about the agency's involvement in Iran's nuclear program.

The Clarion Project

In 2011, the Clarion Fund released a film entitled Iranium, which focuses on the history of Iran's government since 1979 and perceived threats associated with the Iranian nuclear program.

Yaakov Amidror

As Israel's national security advisor, he participated in high-level talks with U.S. officials about the Iranian nuclear program and led efforts to restore relations with Turkey after the Gaza flotilla raid incident.

see also

Geneva Accord

Geneva interim agreement on Iranian nuclear program, an interim agreement on Iranian nuclear program between the P5+1 and Iran