
unusual facts about Ivan Goran Kovačić


Croatian writer Ivan Goran Kovačić joined the communist movement "Partisans" where he wrote his epic poem Jama (The Pit).

Milan Moguš

He was also Editor of linguistic profession in "Croatian Biographical Lexicon" and Co-Author of "Dictionary of Croatian literature from Croatian national revival until Ivan Goran Kovačić and collected works of Marko Marulić.

Mladen Urem

Urem is frequent a contributor to the US literary journals Grand Street (New York), Partisan Review (Boston), World Literature Today (Norman, Oklahoma) and Corner (Oakland, California), in which he has also published various works by the Croatian writers Janko Polić Kamov, Miroslav Krleža, Ivo Andrić and Ivan Goran Kovačić.

see also