
unusual facts about J.D. McClatchy

Mario and the Magician

Mario and the Magician was adapted into an English opera by librettist J. D. McClatchy and composer Francis Thorne.

Michael Dellaira

In 2006, the Center for Contemporary Opera appointed Dellaira Composer-in-Residence, after commissioning him and poet J. D. McClatchy to write an opera based on Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent.

Sarasota Opera

Sarasota Opera presented Little Nemo in Slumberland, an opera with music by Daron Hagen and words by J.D. McClatchy, in November 2012.

Valentine S. McClatchy

Former Editor of The Sacramento Bee, now The McClatchy Company, Valentine S. McClatchy was also the co-owner of the company with his brother Charles K. McClatchy.

see also