Offensive coordinator Jack Crowe left the team after the 1995 season and Reedy hired future Oklahoma State head coach, Mike Gundy as an offensive assistant.
Joe Kines brought Ford to the University of Arkansas in 1992 to help with the clean-up following Frank Broyles' firing of Jack Crowe (Ford's former offensive coordinator at Clemson) after a loss to the Citadel.
In 1990, Nutt returned to the University of Arkansas as an assistant under head coach Jack Crowe and established a reputation as an excellent recruiter.
He spent most of his coaching career as an assistant in college football ranks, twice serving as an interim head coach: in 1992 at the University of Arkansas after the firing of Jack Crowe and in 2006 at the University of Alabama after the dismissal of Mike Shula.
Kines returned to college coaching in 1991 as the defensive coordinator at the University of Arkansas and was promoted to head coach of the Razorbacks in 1992 when Jack Crowe was fired following a season-opening loss to The Citadel.
Jack Crowe, head football coach at the University of Arkansas
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