Shillinglaw, former Army and Cortland State coach Jack Emmer, as well as former Penn State coach Glenn Thiel are the only coaches in NCAA lacrosse history to coach 500 games.
He was also the second-winningest active head coach by wins, behind Jack Emmer of Army with 289, and the winningest all-time ACC coach, with 171 wins, ahead of Jim Adams of Virginia with 137.
During the tournament, head coach Dom Starsia became the all-time wins leader in Division I men's lacrosse history, breaking Jack Emmer's previous mark of 326 wins.
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During the tournament, Virginia head coach Dom Starsia became the winningest coach in Division I men's lacrosse history, earning his 327th career win in the quarterfinals against Cornell, surpassing Jack Emmer's record of 326.
During the 2008 NCAA tournament, he surpassed Army coach Jack Emmer's former record of 326 wins to become the all-time winningest NCAA lacrosse coach.