
2 unusual facts about Jack Hanna

Muirfield Village

Muirfield Village is one of the wealthiest and most notable neighborhoods in Central Ohio, and is home to many local CEOs and celebrities including Jack Hanna, Urban Meyer and others.

Muskingum County Animal Farm

Jack Hanna, TV wildlife expert and Director Emeritus of the Columbus Zoo, lamented the killings but deemed the police actions necessary.


NewsWatch 12+ also aired six back-to-back episodes of Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures on Saturday afternoons only (to comply with the FCC's children's programming laws) since its inception, but now airs E/I programs such as Danger Rangers, Exploration with Richard Wiese and others (as of September 3, 2011).


KHQA pre-empts one hour of the CBS Saturday morning block with reruns of the syndicated Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures followed by Teen Kids News.

Rich Ferguson

Some prominent events and performances include touring with Full Tilt Poker in Europe doing workshops and performing magic for 10,000 fans on jumbo screens as well as numerous high profile events for a wide range of celebrities such as Jay Leno, Chuck Liddell, Jack Hanna and Weird Al.

The Todd and Tyler Radio Empire

Frequent guests of “The Todd n Tyler Radio Empire” include Larry the Cable Guy, Lewis Black, Dennis Hof, Jack Hanna, John Beasley, Dr. Oz and traveling comedians who performed at the Omaha Funny Bone Comedy Club.

see also