Hayes was first elected to the Ontario legislature in the 1985 provincial election, defeating Liberal Jack Morris by about 1,300 votes in Essex North.
William Morris | Jack Kerouac | Jack Nicholson | Jack Nicklaus | Jack the Ripper | Jack London | Jack Kemp | Jack Kirby | Jack Lemmon | Jack Black | Jack Abramoff | Morris | Jack Dempsey | Jack Benny | Jack White | Wolfman Jack | Union Jack | Jack White (musician) | Jack and the Beanstalk | Jack Johnson | Jack Charlton | Jack Palance | Jack Daniel's | Jack | Jack Paar | Jack Layton | Butch Morris | Jack Straw | Jack Vance | Jack Bruce |
During their 16 years in Montgomery, the Rebels won 5 Southern League championships as the Tigers developed the nucleus of a club that would win the 1984 World Series, and future MLB notables such as Jack Morris, Lou Whittaker, and Alan Trammell played under Paterson Field's lights before becoming big leaguers.