He has shown in private galleries including the Pyramid, Osuna, Henri, Jack Rasmussen and Franz Bader Galleries in Washington, D. C., the Susan Caldwell, Frank Marino and Portico Galleries in New York City as well as galleries in cities throughout the U.S.
Jack Kerouac | Jack Nicholson | Jack Nicklaus | Jack the Ripper | Jack London | Jack Kemp | Jack Kirby | Jack Lemmon | Jack Black | Jack Abramoff | Jack Dempsey | Jack Benny | Jack White | Wolfman Jack | Union Jack | Jack White (musician) | Jack and the Beanstalk | Jack Johnson | Jack Charlton | Jack Palance | Jack Daniel's | Jack | Jack Paar | Jack Layton | Jack Straw | Jack Vance | Jack Bruce | Anders Fogh Rasmussen | Jack Warden | Jack's Mannequin |