
unusual facts about Jackaroo


Cynthia Voigt

What myths are present in the Kingdom are usually seen to have historical basis; the first novel, Jackaroo, deals with such a myth—a Robin Hood-like figure who is really just an archetype whose guise is donned by various nobles and commoners through the years.

Gary Chaloner

He is the writer/artist of Will Eisner's John Law, Red Kelso, The Jackaroo, Flash Damingo, Morton Stone: Undertaker (with Ashley Wood and Ben Templesmith) and "Planet of the Apes: Urchak's Folly" (with Dillon Naylor and Greg Gates).

Jack Iverson

Starting in 1933, Iverson became a jackaroo in the Mallee and later rose to become an assistant manager on a property of Essington Lewis at Tallarook.

see also