
2 unusual facts about James Barr

James Barr

Anthony James Barr (born 1940), also known as Jim Barr, software engineer

James R. Barr (1885–1910), Scottish engineer and lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh

David J. A. Clines

Reading from Right to Left: Essays on the Hebrew Bible in Honour of David J.A. Clines (ISBN 0826466869) included contributions by James Barr, John Barton, Joseph Blenkinsopp, Walter Brueggemann, Brevard Childs, Patrick D. Miller, Rolf Rendtorff, Hugh Williamson, and Ellen van Wolde.

Fun Kids

Fun Kids has been a training ground for many presenters including James Barr, Tim Dixon, James Beckingham and Matt Kot.

see also