
unusual facts about James Busby

John Busby

He was the father of James Busby, who is widely regarded as the "father" of the Australian wine industry.

Branxton, New South Wales

James Busby (1801 – 1871) widely regarded as the "father" of the Australian wine industry planted his first grape vines on his property "Kirkton", which is located at Belford in the Branxton district.

Busby, New South Wales

Busby was named after James Busby (1801-1871), a pioneer viticulturist, widely regarded as the father of the Australian wine industry.

James Reddy Clendon

His friendship with Pomare, Tamati Waka Nene and other Maori chiefs and his contact with the European settlers at Kororareka made him more influential than the British Resident, James Busby, at Waitangi.

see also