
unusual facts about James Kyson Lee

Star Runners

Tycho 'Ty' Johns (Connor Trinneer) and Lei Chen (James Kyson Lee) transport a crate for the government, under the orders of Colonel Bishop (Michael Culkin), which contains a mysterious girl (Toni Trucks) in cryogenic stasis.

Star Runners is a 2009 Sci Fi channel original film, directed by Mat King and written by Rafael Jordan, and starring Connor Trinneer, James Kyson Lee, Toni Trucks, Aja Evans and Michael Culkin.

White on Rice

White on Rice (2009) is a comedy film directed by American director Dave Boyle, director of Big Dreams Little Tokyo (2006), and starring Hiroshi Watanabe, Nae Yuuki, Mio Takada, James Kyson Lee, and Lynn Chen.

see also