
unusual facts about James McCormack

Project Solarium

MGEN James McCormack USA, John C. Campbell, MGEN John R. Deane USA (Ret.), Calvin B. Hoover, Col. Elvin S. Ligon USAF, Philip E. Mosely, James K. Penfield

see also

2001 BBC bombing

They were convicted at the Old Bailey on 8 April 2003, together with two other men – James McCormack, of County Louth, and John Hannan, of Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh, both of whom had already admitted the charge at an earlier hearing.

2001 Ealing bombing

Two other men, James McCormack, of County Louth, and John Hannan, of Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh, had already admitted the charge at an earlier hearing.