
2 unusual facts about James Scott Bowerbank


James Scott Bowerbank (1797-1877), British naturalist and palaeontologist

Ray Society

During Charles Darwin's lifetime, the Ray Society published not only Darwin's two volumes on barnacles (1851 and 1853) but also the work of many of the foremost British naturalists: Thomas Henry Huxley, William Crawford Williamson, John Blackwall, Albert Günther, James Scott Bowerbank, etc.


In 1851, James Scott Bowerbank named and described some remains found in a chalk pit at Burham near Maidstone in Kent, as a new species of Pterodactylus: Pterodactylus cuvieri.


In 1846, James Scott Bowerbank named and described some remains found in a chalk pit at Burham near Maidstone in Kent, as a new species of Pterodactylus: Pterodactylus giganteus.

see also