
5 unusual facts about Japanese invasion of Manchuria

Jilin City No.1 High School

In 1931, after Japan occupied Manchuria, Chinese Communist Party agents secretly developed a cell on campus, a student-led patriotic group named the "Society for Mutual Aid" (互濟會).

Junkers K 37

A K 37 was operated with success during the Invasion of Manchuria and led the Army to order heavy and light bombers from Mitsubishi based on the design.

Mitsubishi 2MB1

The type saw action in the early stages of Japan's Invasion of Manchuria in 1931, but it was found to be obsolete and was soon relegated to training duties.

Nakajima Ki-6

The first military Super Universals were introduced into service following Japan's invasion of Manchuria in 1931 when the Imperial Japanese Army commandeered seven Super Universals from the Japan Air Transport Company.

Yenki Abbey

In the midst of the flourishing of the Abbey of Yenki, the monastery's mission stations oftentimes fell victim to the violent atmosphere of Manchukuo, as Chinese and Korean partisans resisted the Japanese occupying forces.

Nine-Power Treaty

However, the Nine-Power Treaty lacked any enforcement regulations, and when violated by Japan during its invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and creation of Manchukuo, the United States could do little more than issue protests and impose economic sanctions.

Wang Fengge

After the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, he raised a volunteer force by linking up with other citizens in the Linjiang and Ji'an areas during late 1931 and announced the establishment of his army in March 1932.

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