
unusual facts about Javier Solis

Elisa Rego

Also found in the repertoire of this work-musical themes as: "La Gata Bajo La Lluvia" (The Cat Under Rain) by Rocio Durcal, "Cóncavo Y Convexo" (Concave and Convex) by Roberto Carlos, "Sabor A Nada??" (Flavor to Nothing) by Palito Ortega, "Sombras Nada Más" (Nothing More that Shadows) by Javier Solis, "Mañana Me Iré" (Tomorrow I'll Go Myself) by Los Angeles Negros, "Tú Sabes" (You Know) of Estelita del Llano between others.

see also

Trozos de Mi Alma, Vol. 2

Like his 1999 release Trozos de Mi Alma this album includes songs written by Solís that were previously recorded by other artists, such as Laura Flores ("Antes de Que Te Vayas"), José Javier Solís ("Quien Se Enamoró"), Pesado ("Te Voy a Esperar"), Pablo Montero ("Pídemelo Todo"), Victoria ("Hay Veces"), Rocío Dúrcal ("Extrañandote" and "Yo Creía Que Sí"), Paulina Rubio ("Ojalá") and Marisela ("Dios Bendiga Nuestro Amor" and "No Puedo Olvidarlo").