
2 unusual facts about Jean de Béthencourt

El Rubicon

In the south east of El Rubicón, one of the earliest bishoprics in the Canaries, San Marcial del Rubicón, was founded by the French adventurer, Jean de Béthencourt at the start of the fifteenth century.

Winds in the Age of Sail

Jean de Béthencourt conquered two of them in 1405 but the larger islands were not fully subdued until about 1495.

Gadifer de la Salle

Gadifer de La Salle (Sainte-Radegonde, 1340 –1415) was a French knight and crusader of Poitevine origin who, with Jean de Béthencourt, conquered and explored the Canary Islands for the Kingdom of Castile.

see also

Kingdom of the Canary Islands

Subsequently Jean de Béthencourt was proclaimed king of the Canaries by Pope Innocent VII, even though he recognized the Castilians as overlords.