
unusual facts about Jendayi E. Frazer


This cult, which is unique in Italy, is picturesquely described in the opening chapter of J. G. Frazer's The Golden Bough, where full references will be found.

Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs

Previous Assistant Secretaries since the position's creation, by recency, are Jendayi E. Frazer, Constance Berry Newman, Walter H. Kansteiner, III, Susan E. Rice, George Moose, Herman Jay Cohen, Chester A. Crocker, Richard M. Moose, William E. Schaufele, Jr., Nathaniel Davis, Donald B. Easum, David D. Newsom, Joseph Palmer II, G. Mennen Williams, and Joseph C. Satterthwaite.


In keeping with his ritualist approach to myth and other preoccupations in The Golden Bough, J.G. Frazer thought that the pigs, rather than merely accompanying Persephone in her descent, were an original feature of the story, representing the "corn spirit" that was later anthropomorphized as the young goddess.

J. D. Frazer

It is about a group of characters who work for a fictional Internet service provider, and the comic's readership consists mainly of programmers, self-styled geeks, and other technophiles.

Jefferies tube

J. D. Frazer also made a reference to Jefferies tubes in his User Friendly comic strip.

Joseph W. Frazer

Frazer then announced Graham-Paige would return to car manufacturing after the end of World War II with an entirely new model named the "Frazer".

He is notable as having been the chief executive of Willys when that company won the U.S. Government contract for design of the Jeep ("General Purpose" - ("G.P.") military utility vehicle, which began coming out in 1940-1941 after testing at Fort Hollibird, in East Baltimore, Maryland.

The Power-House

Harvie cites a comparable passage from the second volume of The Golden Bough, where Frazer speaks of "a solid layer of savagery beneath the surface of society," which, "unaffected by the superficial changes of religion and culture," is "a standing menace to civilisation. We seem to move on a thin crust which may at any time be rent by the subterranean forces slumbering beneath."

see also