
unusual facts about Jewish literature

José Amador de los Ríos

In another work, Historia social, política y religiosa de los judíos de España, he accepts the Spanish Jewish literature as part of the tradition, since it "bloomed" in Spanish soil.

Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller

He also published editions of Samuel Bochart's Hierozoicon (1796) and Robert Lowth's treatise on Hebrew poetry, De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum Praelectiones Academicae (1815).

see also

Abraham Baer Dobsewitch

Dobsewitch left several works in manuscript, including one on the Masorah, one on the Samaritan text of the Pentateuch, and one on the wit and humor of ancient Jewish literature.

Eli Amir

Amir received Youth Aliyah's Jubilee Prize (1983), the Jewish Literature Prize (in Mexico, 1985), the Ahi Award (1994), Am Oved's Jubilee Prize (1994), the Yigal Allon Prize for Outstanding Service to Society (1997), the Book Publishers Association's Platinum Prize (1998), and the Prime Minister's Prize (2002).

Elisa New

Her interests include American poetry, American Literature-1900, Religion and Literature, and Jewish literature.


The terms golah and galut, however, enjoy controversy within Jewish literature and Jewish politics, as they have become most prominently used since the 20th century within Zionism in its ideological promotion of the Negation of the Diaspora.

Golds World of Judaica

The store currently sells much Jewish literature, including the Siddur, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, Halakhic works, as well as works of Jewish philosophy, Hasidut and Kabbalah, both in the original Hebrew version and with English translation, as well as many Jewish-themed non-fiction and fiction books.

Pierre Kaan

In 1925 Kaan began an editorial collaboration with Albert Cohen at the Revue Juive, a literary magazine founded by Cohen to review Jewish literature.