Jim Rogers, joined the firm in 1970 and left in 1973 to form the Quantum Fund with Soros reportedly because new brokerage firm regulation prevented them from getting a percentage of profits.
The Coalition Advisory Board includes investors Peter Schiff and Jim Rogers, political strategist Dave Nalle, Texas businessman Allan Shivers, Jr., and activist Julie Borowski.
In 2003, his widely circulated e-mail exchange with the famous global investor Jim Rogers made Alimov, then a student at Harvard Business School, a prominent figure among businessmen and government officials.
Roy Rogers | Kenny Rogers | Jim Thorpe | Jim Carrey | Ginger Rogers | Rogers | Will Rogers | Jim DeMint | Jim Morrison | Rogers Centre | Jim Jarmusch | Adrian Rogers | Rogers, Arkansas | Jim Jones | Jim Henson | Jim Dine | Jim Starlin | Buck Rogers | Jim Reeves | Jim Flaherty | Jim Cummings | Jim Bunning | According to Jim | Jim O'Rourke | Jim Nabors | Jim Bohannon | Rogers Communications | Richard Rogers | Jim Lovell | Jim Lauderdale |