
unusual facts about Joan Shelley Rubin

David Brion Davis

Davis taught more than a generation of students, and advised many doctoral students, who included such prize-winning historians as Edward Ayers, Karen Halttunen, T. J. Jackson Lears, Steven Mintz, Lewis Perry, Joan Shelley Rubin, Jonathan Sarna, Barbara Savage, Amy Dru Stanley, Christine Stansell, John Stauffer, and Sean Wilentz.

see also

History of the Book in America

Among the contributing writers: Hugh Amory, Georgia B. Barnhill, Paul S. Boyer, Richard D. Brown, Scott E. Casper, Charles E. Clark, James P. Danky, Ann Fabian, James N. Green, Robert A. Gross, Jeffrey D. Groves, David D. Hall, Mary Kelley, E. Jennifer Monaghan, Janice Radway, James Raven, Elizabeth Carroll Reilly, Joan Shelley Rubin, Michael Schudson, David S. Shields, Wayne A. Wiegand, Michael Winship.