Lyndon B. Johnson | Samuel Johnson | Johnson & Johnson | Dwayne Johnson | Boris Johnson | Johnson | Andrew Johnson | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Magic Johnson | Robert Johnson | James Weldon Johnson | Jack Johnson | Kevin Johnson | Jimmie Johnson | Don Johnson | Randy Johnson | Betsey Johnson | Lionel Johnson | Holly Johnson | Van Johnson | Molly Johnson | Amy Johnson | Glen Johnson | Gary Johnson | Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson | David Johnson | Robert Johnson (musician) | Rida Johnson Young | Philip Johnson | Nunnally Johnson |
23 November - Leading pharmaceutical company, Johnson and Johnson, relocate their manufacturing division to South Africa owing to continuing economic instability.
Many corporations (Kodak, Immunex, Boeing, Johnson and Johnson, Aerospace Corp., Silverline, and others) use customized versions of the Six Dimensional Non-Contact Reader w/ Integrated Holographic Optical Processing, for applications from SuperComputer Surface Mount pad assessment, to Genetic Biochemical Assay Analysis.
Surgicel is a hemostatic agent (blood-clot-inducing material) made of an oxydized cellulose polymer (the unit is polyanhydroglucuronic acid), manufactured by Johnson and Johnson's Ethicon subsidiary.
In 1959 Behrakis became a salesperson for major pharmacy company Johnson and Johnson, where he created the drug known as Tylenol.