
19 unusual facts about Joint Chiefs Of Staff

1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état

Only a week later, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended rearmament and a restoration of the draft.

Badrul Khan

He contributed to the development of US virtual education policies organized by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Naval Postgraduate School, the National Educational Technology Plan by the US Department of Education and the Review of Joint Professional Military Education organized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Battle of Kujin

On 24 October, MacArthur had removed all restrictions on the movement of his forces south of the Yalu River and prepared for the final phase of the UN advance, defying a directive of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and risking Chinese intervention in support of North Korea.

Battle of Pakchon

On 24 October, MacArthur had removed all restrictions on the movement of his forces south of the Yalu River and prepared for the final phase of the advance, defying a directive of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and risking Chinese intervention in support of North Korea.

Battle of Yongju

On 24 October, MacArthur had removed all restrictions on the movement of his forces south of the Yalu River and prepared for the final phase of the UN advance, defying a directive of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and risking Chinese intervention on behalf of North Korea.

Colonel Kurtz

In his first tour of Vietnam in 1964, he was sent by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to compile a report on the failings of the current military policies.

Gary Grigsby's Pacific War

Players exercise control at higher levels, roughly equivalent to having influence in the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, the UK Imperial War Cabinet, or the US Joint Chiefs Of Staff.

Gerald Harris Rosen

He was an NSF postdoctoral fellow in 1959 at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Stockholm, Sweden, returning to the United States in 1960 to serve as a consultant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Goshen, New York

It is the birthplace of the current Army Chief of Staff, and next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey.

Gush Katif

Its location was initially the main reason for its founding, as an Israeli civilian presence was important for cementing control of the area so as to prevent any future invasion from Egypt or its use as a staging area for fedayeen attacks, and indeed this rationale was echoed following the 1967 Six Day War by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

IBM 701

In early 1954, a committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff requested that the two machines be compared for the purpose of using them for a Joint Numerical Weather Prediction project.

Jeffrey Pelehac

In recognition of Pelehac's contribution to Academy morale, he was given a challenge coin by General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Marine Corps Intelligence Activity

The MCIA describes itself as: "a vital part of military intelligence 'corporate enterprise,' and functions in a collegial, effective manner with other service agencies and with the joint intelligence centers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Unified Commands."

Oregon Military Department

The Military Council, composed of the adjutant general and six to ten officers of the National Guard, operates as an advisory staff to the governor, in much the same way as the Joint Chiefs of Staff advise the President.

Project 112

The command structure for the Deseret Test Center, which was organized to oversee Project 112, somewhat bypassed standard Defense Department channels and reported directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and US Cabinet consisting of Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and to a much smaller extent, the Secretary of Agriculture .

Rasul v. Rumsfeld

The plaintiffs charge that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and senior military officers who are responsible for the treatment of Guantánamo detainees had approved interrogation techniques that were known to violate U.S. and international law.

Sandia Base

General Groves was placed in charge and reported directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The Year of the Quiet Sun

They also learn that the nation is under martial law after a failed attempt by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to take over the government by coup d'état, one thwarted because of the advance knowledge the time travelers will bring back of it.

Twilight 2000

In the United States there is a breach between the civilian government and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Anthony James Barr

Assigned to work with the National Military Command Center, the information processing branch of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Barr rewrote and enhanced FFS, implementing three of its five major components: retrieval, sorting, and file update.

Arnold W. Braswell

In July 1977 he returned to the United States as director for plans and policy (J-5), Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C. In June 1978, he became commander of Tactical Air Command's 9th Air Force with headquarters at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina.

Brian Haig

He served as a platoon leader in Germany, three years as an infantry company commander at Fort Carson, Colorado, before he was selected as an intern at the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff where he worked in the Current Operations Directorate on the Lebanon peacekeeping operation.

Carlisle Trost

Admiral Carlisle Albert Herman Trost, USN (born April 24, 1930 in Valmeyer, Illinois) is a retired United States Navy officer who served as the Navy's twenty-third Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1 July 1986 to 29 June 1990.

Denfeld Mountains

They were named for Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, Chief of Naval Operations and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1947–49), who helped in the planning and organization of Operation Highjump (1946–47) for which Byrd was leader.

Morton Halperin

The appointment of Halperin, a colleague of Kissinger's at Harvard University in the 1960s, was immediately criticized by General Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; FBI director J. Edgar Hoover; and Senator Barry Goldwater.

OPLAN 5029

Discussions in October between US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and South Korean Minister of National Defense Lee Sang-hee over the planned transition of wartime operations to South Korean forces also included continued formulation of an operation plan for a North Korean collapse, after a proposal made in an earlier meeting between the American and South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Roy M. Davenport

Davenport’s cousin, Maxwell Taylor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy, did not appear, as only immediate family, and those who interacted in Davenport’s wartime adventures, were invited.

Samuel Perez, Jr.

Ashore, he served as the program integrator for the Navy Theater Wide Theater Ballistic Missile Defense program at the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), as Future Ships branch head in the N76 Division of the Chief of Naval Operations, on the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the assistant deputy director for Regional Operations and executive assistant to the Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Theodore S. Coberly

He returned to Washington, D.C., in August 1968 for a tour of duty with the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as deputy director for operations, National Military Command Center.

Vicente T. Blaz

From September 1972 to August 1975, General Blaz served as Chief, United Nations and Maritime Matters Branch, International Negotiations Division, Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C. In this assignment, he represented the Joint Chiefs of Staff on U.S. Delegations to several international multi-lateral negotiations in Helsinki (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) and Geneva (Law of War) and was an action officer on Law of the Sea matters.

William McRae

He served as a military adviser to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the June 1945 San Francisco Conference, which founded the United Nations and drafted the United Nations Charter.