In 1958, Jolley appeared on ABC's Walt Disney Presents in the role of Sheriff Adams in the episode "Law and Order, Incorporated", with Robert Loggia as Elfego Baca.
When a team of students of Trinity College, Cambridge, won University Challenge in 1974 (Christopher Vane, Frederick 'Wynn' Jolley, Simon Schaffer, and Paul Hopkins), Gallagher was part of a Trinity fellows team ( Sir James Lighthill, Dr Bradfield, Mr JA Weir) which defeated them in a contest on live television.
Jolley spent 4 years at Palace, during which time the academy produced players such as Victor Moses and John Bostock.
All tracks composed by Steve Jolley, Tony Swain, Leee John, Ashley Ingram and Errol Kennedy
In 1958, Jolley's father appeared on ABC's Walt Disney Presents in the role of Sheriff Adams in the episode "Law and Order, Incorporated", with Robert Loggia as Elfego Baca.
His sister, the late Sandra Jolley Carson, was the former wife of actor Forrest Tucker and the widow of Jack Carson.