
2 unusual facts about Jonathan Culler


Jonathan Culler (born 1944), Professor of English at Cornell University

The Canonization

Likewise, critic Jonathan Culler questions the New Critical emphasis on self-reference, the idea that by "enacting or performing what it asserts or describes, the poem becomes complete in itself, accounts for itself, and stands free as a self-contained fusion of being and doing".


Many of these scholars, which included Jonathan Culler, Stanley Fish, Umberto Eco to name a few, stated that literariness cannot be defined solely on the basis of linguistic properties found within a text but that the reader is also a crucial factor in the construction of meaning (Zwaan 1993, p. 8).

Open Humanities Press

OHP's editorial board includes leading scholars and open access advocates such as Alain Badiou, Jonathan Culler, Stephen Greenblatt, Jean-Claude Guédon, J. Hillis Miller, Antonio Negri, Peter Suber and Gayatri Spivak among others.

see also