Jonathan Swift | Jonathan Ross | Goodluck Jonathan | Jonathan Demme | Hole | Jonathan Lethem | Jonathan | Jonathan Richman | Jonathan Coulton | Woods Hole, Massachusetts | Jonathan Safran Foer | Jonathan King | Woods Hole | Jonathan Rhys Meyers | Hole (band) | Jonathan Zittrain | Jonathan Silverman | Jonathan Nott | Jonathan Kaplan | Jonathan Harris | Jonathan Cain | Jonathan Butler | Jonathan Borofsky | Jonathan Aitken | Jackson Hole | Jonathan Wells | Jonathan Tweet | Jonathan Pryce | Jonathan Pearce | Jonathan Dimbleby |
The group of Chicago actors heard on the series included Larry Alexander, Ernie Andrews, Everett Clarke, Johnny Coons, Maurice Copeland, Harry Elders, Sidney Ellstrom, Charles Flynn, Donald Gallagher, Hilda Graham, Ken Griffin, Jonathan Hole, Geraldine Kay, Eloise Kummer, Jack Lester, Ken Nordine, Hope Summers and Lee Young.