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Wilkes and another friend, David Garrick, attempted to obtain further church positions for Lloyd but this was largely unsuccessful, with the Bishop of St Asaph, Jonathan Shipley, blaming Lloyd's satires.
She introduced him to her cousin Georgiana Shipley, fourth daughter of Jonathan Shipley, who had learned painting in Joshua Reynolds's studio.
In Thomas Moule's English Counties 1837 edition, Twyford is referred to as: "on the river Itchin sic, 3 miles S. from the City of Winchester, contains 169 houses and 1048 inhabitants. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary,is a vicarage, value £12 12s. 8d., in the patronage of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In the chancel is a mural monument, with a bust, by Joseph Nollekens, in memory of Dr. Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph, who died in the year 1788."