
5 unusual facts about Joseph Needham

Australian National University Library

Joseph Needham Collection: a small collection of Chinese books and serials on mathematics and physics is located in the Hancock Library.

Cao Chong

According to Joseph Needham, although no official treatise in the likes of Archimedes' principle was ever written regarding buoyancy in ancient China, there were observational precedents of it in the Rites of Zhou, compiled and edited in the early Han Dynasty (202 BCE–220 CE).

Henriette Mertz

About Mertz's hypotheses, Joseph Needham writes in a footnote that "the proposed identities in general require a heroic suspension of disbelief".


Joseph Needham notes that the 18th century Bishop Richard Watson, a professor of chemistry, wrote that there was an ancient idea that there were "two sorts of brass or orichalcum".

Shangqing School

The sinologist and historian Joseph Needham contends Yang was "aided almost certainly by cannabis" in writing down the Shangqing scriptures.

see also

Rudolf Otto

Others to acknowledge Otto were, for instance, Karl Barth, Martin Heidegger, Leo Strauss, John A. Sanford, Richard Rohr, Hans-Georg Gadamer (critical in his youth, respectful in his old age), Max Scheler, Ernst Jünger, Joseph Needham and Hans Jonas.