The current work stems from World Scientific's Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (JPP) and from the research interests of the three editors and hundreds of authors who have presented the results of their research in this society-run journal since its founding in 1997.
The Wall Street Journal | academic journal | scientific journal | journal | Nature (journal) | Academic journal | National Journal | Ladies' Home Journal | Science (journal) | Yale Law Journal | Library Journal | Washington Journal | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution | Edmonton Journal | Cell (journal) | American Journal of Science | American Journal of Psychiatry | Scientific journal | New York Journal-American | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal | Journal Citation Reports | Canadian Medical Association Journal | The Providence Journal | New York Law Journal | Millennium: Journal of International Studies | Journal of Political Economy | Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular | The Wall Street Journal Europe | The New England Journal of Medicine | The Courier-Journal |