
unusual facts about KUKL


Crass Records

Others who recorded for the label included Zounds, Flux of Pink Indians, The Cravats, Conflict, Icelandic band KUKL (who included singer Björk), classical singer Jane Gregory, and the Poison Girls, a like-minded band who worked closely with Crass for several years.

Nýtt líf

The music features several musicians including the band Tappi Tíkarrass (of which Björk was a member), which contributed the songs "Sperglar" and "Kukl" (a.k.a. "Seiður").

V.I.S.A. Présente

This release included 14 tracks by experimental groups from the European alternative scene, including KUKL, an Icelandic group led by singer Björk Guðmundsdóttir next to second vocalist and trumpet player Einar Örn Benediktsson, Rubella Ballet, Lucrate Milk and more.

see also