
unusual facts about Kachin people

Longchuan County, Yunnan

Many citizens of Dehong Prefecture belong to the Jingpo-nation ethnic group, an official minority in the People's Republic of China.

26th Jacob's Mountain Battery

It also took part in the Lushai Expedition of 1889 and served in Burma from 1889 to 1893 where it took part in operations against the Shans and Kachins.

Jingpho language

The ethnic Jingpho (or Kachin) are the primary speakers of Jingpho language, numbering approximately 900,000 speakers.

Karen people

The Karen people aspired to have the regions where they formed the majority turned into a subdivision or "state" within Burma similar to what the Shan, Kachin and Chin peoples had been given.

Punji stick

The term first appeared in the English language in 1870s, after the British Indian Army encountered the sticks in their border conflicts against the Kachins of north east Burma (and it is from their language that term is derived).


For the "recruiter"/kidnappers the ethno-linguistic ties between the Jingpo citizens of Dehong and those of Kachin are an enabling factor, as is the ineffectiveness of Chinese-allied Myanmar police in this region of de facto independence (Cf. Nayoubeng Mountain militia); Interpol is of even less use, as Myanmar itself is a rogue state.

see also

Ola Hanson

Ola Hanson (born June 25, 1864 in Åhus, Sweden - died October 17, 1927) was a Swedish-American missionary who worked for the Kachin people in Burma.