local government area | Local government in Australia | Local government areas of Victoria | Local Government Act 1972 | local government in Australia | Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government | local government | Namibian local and regional elections, 2010 | Local government | Independent Local Radio | BBC Local Radio | Local government in the United Kingdom | Local area network | local area network | ABC Local Radio | Local Hero | Local government in the United States | Local Government Area | Local derby | local | Wireless local loop | United Kingdom local elections, 2011 | United Kingdom local elections, 2010 | Seat of local government | Metro Local | local history | Local government in the Republic of Ireland | Local Government Areas of Nigeria | Local government areas of New South Wales | Local extinction |
She hosted Keep It Local, a daily, hour-long news show shot live at various locations in Oregon, and filled in as an anchor on KOIN's various news shows.