At Sengoku 13, Omar entered the Welterweight Grand Prix, after suffering from food poisoning and fever since arriving to Japan his team decided not to cancel the fight and after struggling to make weight and not being able to recover from the weight cut he lost to Keita Nakamura via TKO in the second round.
Salif Keita | Shunsuke Nakamura | Suzy Nakamura | Keita Takahashi | Keita | Daisuke Nakamura | Sundiata Keita | Seydou Keita | Salif Keïta | Koichi Nakamura | Hachidai Nakamura | Akimasa Nakamura | Yugo Nakamura | Yoshio Nakamura | Toshimaru Nakamura | Tosa Kuroshio Railway Nakamura Line | Tatsuya Nakamura | Tadashi Nakamura | Shuji Nakamura | Shinsuke Nakamura | Shigenobu Nakamura | Robert A. Nakamura | Nakamura, Kōchi | Nakamura Kichiemon II | Nakamura | Minoru Nakamura | Masato Nakamura | Mamady Keïta | Lisa Nakamura | Kuniwo Nakamura |