Kenneth Levin has stated that when a wave of forced conversions of Jews to Christianity began in 1411, Paul "took a leading role in the assault on Spain’s remaining Jews and was responsible for drawing up edicts that isolated the Jews, stripped them of many communal rights, and, most importantly, deprived them of almost all means of earning a living, leaving them with the choice of death by privation for themselves and their families or conversion."
John Kenneth Galbraith | Kenneth Branagh | Kenneth McClintock | Carl Levin | Kenneth Grahame | Kenneth Cole | Kenneth Burke | Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds | Tony Levin | Kenneth Williams | Kenneth Noland | Mark Levin | Kenneth Clarke | Kenneth T. Jackson | Kenneth Rexroth | Kenneth Hayne | Kenneth Cranham | Kenneth Cole Productions | Kenneth Cockrel, Jr. | Kenneth Anger | Levin | Kenneth Tynan | Kenneth Kaunda | Kenneth Baker, Baron Baker of Dorking | Kenneth Armitage | Robert D. Levin | Kenneth More | Kenneth Goldsmith | Kenneth Frampton | Kenneth Fisher |