Kenneth Robinson answered that British Railways were prepared to transfer ownership of the viaduct to any group willing to take it, but that maintenance costs were considerable.
In 1975, when plans were under way to introduce the London Transport Silver Jubilee Bus fleet, the then Sales Manager of London Transport Advertising, Geoffrey Holliman, proposed to the Chairman of LTE, Kenneth Robinson, that the Fleet line should be renamed the Jubilee line.
Shepherd's Bush, London in 1967, which was opened by the Minister of Health, Kenneth Robinson, and from the start it proved to be a success.
Robinson Crusoe | Edward G. Robinson | Jackie Robinson | Mary Robinson | Smokey Robinson | John Kenneth Galbraith | Tom Robinson | Kenneth Branagh | Kenneth McClintock | Kenneth Grahame | Tony Robinson | Sugar Ray Robinson | Earl Robinson | Kim Stanley Robinson | Kenneth Cole | Kenneth Burke | Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds | Robinson Jeffers | Robinson | Kenneth Williams | Kenneth Noland | Joan Robinson | Hercules Robinson, 1st Baron Rosmead | Ged Robinson | Constable & Robinson | Kenneth Clarke | Expedition Robinson | Benjamin Lincoln Robinson | Paul Robinson | Nate Robinson |