
unusual facts about Kenya African National Union

Kenya Army Infantry

Most of the "martial races" that eomprised the old colonial forces were not part of KANU, and many Kikuyu openly referred to the KAR as the "KADU army."

Kiambu Mafia

The Kiambu Mafia is a pejorative term referring to a small group of the Kikuyu people primarily from the then Kiambu District of Kenya (now Kiambu and a portion of Thika District) who benefited financially and politically from Kenya African National Union (KANU) and Kenyatta taking power at independence.


It was first represented in Parliament in 1998 by Joseph Wamukoya on a Kenya African National Union (KANU) ticket.

Moses Kiprono arap Keino

Moses Kiprono arap Keino served as a Member of Parliament representing Kericho East for 15 years on a KANU ticket 1969 - 1983.

Tom Mboya

In 1960, Mboya's People's Congress Party joined with Kenya African Union and Kenya Independent Movement to form the Kenya African National Union (KANU) in an attempt to form a party that would both transcend tribal politics and prepare for participation in the Lancaster House Conference (held at Lancaster House in London) where Kenya's constitutional framework and independence were to be negotiated.

see also


John Michael Njenga Mututho, Kenyan politician for the Kenya African National Union