In HBO's 1991 animated musical adaptation of The Tale of Peter Rabbit (under their Storybook Musicals banner), Mr. McGregor was voiced by Kevin Clash.
Playing a "conductor" on the show Caboose in 1978, he discovered Kevin Clash and Todd Stockman.
Kevin Costner | Kevin Smith | Kevin Bacon | Kevin Kline | Kevin Keegan | Kevin Harvick | Kevin Spacey | Kevin Rudd | Kevin Johnson | Kevin J. Anderson | Kevin Roche | Kevin Schon | Kevin Lyman | Kevin Hill | Kevin Eldon | Kevin | Kevin Sharp | Kevin Pollak | Kevin Sullivan | Kevin Steen | Kevin Pietersen | Kevin Hearn | Kevin Garnett | Kevin Burke | Kevin Wong | Kevin Volans | Kevin-Prince Boateng | Kevin Martin | Kevin Coyne | Kevin Ayers |
They are "Yip Yipped" by multiple muppeteers including Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Martin P. Robinson, and Kevin Clash.
After Professor Kool went off the air, Stu Kerr was on a show called Caboose, which featured a young puppeteer named Kevin Clash, better known today as the man behind Elmo.