Graveyard Mountain Home is the third studio album released under the name Chroma Key by American keyboardist Kevin Moore.
In an interview published in December 2003, Kevin Moore revealed that he had started work on a third Chroma Key album, but had put it aside to work on the first OSI album, Office of Strategic Influence.
Memory Hole 1 consists of an 80-minute radio program that Kevin Moore did for Radio For Peace International.
Roger Moore | Michael Moore | Kevin Costner | Alan Moore | Kevin Smith | Henry Moore | Kevin Bacon | Thurston Moore | Mandy Moore | Thomas Moore | Gary Moore | Demi Moore | Kevin Kline | Kevin Keegan | The Mary Tyler Moore Show | Kevin Harvick | Christy Moore | Dudley Moore | Kevin Spacey | Patrick Moore | Mary Tyler Moore | Kevin Rudd | Kevin Johnson | Julianne Moore | Grace Moore | Kevin J. Anderson | Kevin Roche | Peter Moore | Bobby Moore | Ronald D. Moore |
With the support of (then) club supremo, Peter Bullfrog Moore, Imanaga and Ojima played regular games for Moorebank, Canterbury's feeder club, then coached by Kevin Moore.
He also plays drums on Joacim Cans' solo-project album "Beyond The Gates", and with Kevin Moore's band Chroma Key.