
3 unusual facts about Kevin Padian


According to a study by Kevin Padian there are eight cervical vertebrae, fourteen dorsals, four or five sacrals and up to 38 caudal vertebrae.

Of Pandas and People

A review of Of Pandas and People by paleontologist Kevin Padian of the University of California at Berkeley for the National Center for Science Education's Bookwatch Reviews in 1989 called the book a "wholesale distortion of modern biology", and says that FTE's writers had misrepresented such topics as the Cambrian explosion, the history of birds, and the concept of homology.


The type species, Rhamphinion jenkinsi, was described and named in 1984 by Kevin Padian, based on holotype MNA V 4500, a partial skull including the occipital region, a partial left jugal, a fragment of the lower jaw including two preserved teeth and the impression of a third, and one other fragment that could not be identified.

see also