
unusual facts about King Siliwangi

Sunda Kingdom

# Prabu Siliwangi (1988), a film directed by Sofyan Sharna, about the fictionalized lifestory of King Siliwangi.

Sunda King Prabu Jayadewata or Sri Baduga Maharaja or popularly known as King Siliwangi married Nyai Subang Larang, daughter of Ki Gedeng Tapa, port master of Muara Jati.

Knowledge of the kingdom among Sundanese people has been kept alive through Sundanese Pantun oral tradition, the chant of poetic verses about the Golden Age of Sunda Pajajaran, and the legend of King Siliwangi ( Prabu Siliwangi), the most popular king of Sunda.

The TNI Siliwangi Military Division and Siliwangi Stadium was named for King Siliwangi, the eponymous popular king of Sunda corresponded to Sri Baduga Maharaja.

see also

Sunda Kingdom

# Prabu Siliwangi (2009), a novel written by E Rokajat Asura, also about King Siliwangi.