
2 unusual facts about Kingdom of Dalmatia


In Austria-Hungary Southern Slavs were distributed among several entities: Slovenes in the Austrian part (Carniola, Styria, Carinthia, Gorizia and Gradisca, Trieste, Istria (also Croats)), Croats and Serbs in the Hungarian part within the autonomous Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia and in the Austrian part within the autonomous Kingdom of Dalmatia, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, under direct control from Vienna.


Statistics on the nationalities of the Austrian monarchy (the former Kingdom of Dalmatia and Istria, all residents are classified according to the language as "Serbocroats."

see also

Renzo de' Vidovich

In 1996 he re-founded Il Dalmata, published since 1865 and abolished by Austria-Hungary in 1916; he later published, in 1992, Dalmatia region of Europe, followed by I Dalmati per Trieste and L'albo d'Oro di nobili patrizi e nomi illustri nel Regno di Dalmazia ("Hall of honour of noble patricians and illustrious names in the Kingdom of Dalmatia.") He wrote numerous articles on Dalmatian press.