
unusual facts about Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz lemma

Gordon Thomas Whyburn

After two years as an adjunct professor at U. of Texas, with the aid of a Guggenheim fellowship Whyburn spent the academic year 1929/1930 in Vienna with Hans Hahn and in Warsaw with Kuratowski and Sierpinski.

Greedy embedding

For maximal planar graphs, in which every face is a triangle, a greedy planar embedding can be found by applying the Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz lemma to a weighted version of a straight-line embedding algorithm of Schnyder.

Kazimierz Kuratowski

Since Janiszewski was deceased, Kuratowski's supervisor was Wacław Sierpiński.

Knaster–Kuratowski fan

In topology, a branch of mathematics, the KnasterKuratowski fan (also known as Cantor's leaky tent or Cantor's teepee depending on the presence or absence of the apex) is a connected topological space with the property that the removal of a single point makes it totally disconnected.

see also