
unusual facts about Knight Errant

Martí de Riquer i Morera

Specifically, he has written important and influential works on Don Quixote, the chansons de geste, the medieval novel (notably Amadis de Gaula), the troubadours, courtly love, the history of Catalan literature, and the social phenomenon of the knight errant.

Tarkan Gözübüyük

As a producer, he contributed to the albums of famous Turkish rock artists like Şebnem Ferah, Özlem Tekin, Teoman, Demir Demirkan, Ogün Sanlısoy (the former vocalist of Mezarkabul) and bands like Knight Errant, Kül, Mor ve Ötesi and Athena.

see also


Other western genre themed manga and anime includes Cowboy Bebop and Kino's Journey, both who incorporate knight-errant adventure themes.

The Sandman: The Doll's House

As she tries to track their whereabouts, Rose takes up residence in a boarding house full of peculiar characters, including Chantal and Zelda, an ambiguously lesbian couple who always wear bridal garb and own a collection of stuffed spiders; Ken and Barbie, an extremely yuppie-ish couple; the eccentric Gilbert, a self-described "amateur knight errant"; and the landlord Hal, a gay man who performs at nightclubs in drag.