
unusual facts about Koichi Makigami

Paul Dutton

Dutton has collaborated with a wide range of musicians, including fellow oral sound artists Jaap Blonk, Koichi Makigami, Phil Minton, and David Moss in the group Five Men Singing, John Butcher, Bob Ostertag, Phil Durrant, John Russell, Lee Ranaldo, Christian Marclay, Günter Christmann, Thomas Charmetant, Xavier Charles, and Jacques Di Donato.

see also

Andrea Molino

As well as collaborating with musicians like Heiner Goebbels, David Moss, Koichi Makigami, and Phil Minton, his own projects have included VOICES, performed in October 2000 at the RomaEuropa Festival featuring previously unseen video material by Godfrey Reggio, and Drops On A Hot Stone, in collaboration with UN Volunteers, premiered in December 2001 at the Capitol in Rome after a preview in Berlin.