In Avengers: The Initiative #8, Dragon Man had been captured by the trainee heroes, having been attracted to Komodo.
Schogini has also partnered with Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman and Luke Hooper to implement Komodo 4, a top rated Chess engine Artificial intelligence.
The authors, Don Dailey and Larry Kaufman, renewed their collaboration twenty years later to create the Komodo chess engine.
Upon arriving at the glacier, Zak is attacked by a mixture of Argost's men and Shoji Fuzen's men (who were apparently under the control of neural parasites) but used a Waheela to defeat them and used a Adaro to fight off Tatzelwurms and Komodo to help navigate difficult terrain.
Sound Seas explored the feasibility of establishing a research station on Palmyra Atoll for The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and conducted evaluations for the United Nations Development Programme in the Black Sea region, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for its support of WWF climate change work in Cameroon, Fiji, and Tanzania, and International Financial Corporation (IFC) in its support of TNC work in Komodo, Indonesia.