
unusual facts about Kurtz

Addictive Games

In 1984, Addictive used the short-lived Silicon Joy label for games by other authors, 'specially selected' by Kevin Toms, but in 1985, after Toms launched his next game Software Star, Addictive also began publishing games by other authors including Boffin by Paul Julian O'Malley and Kirel by Siegfried Kurtz.

Alphabet für Liège

These ideas were developed in conversations with the British biophysicist and lecturer on mystical aspects of sound vibration Jill Purce, who also called Stockhausen's attention to the work of Hans Jenny (Kurtz 1992, 192–93; Jenny 1967).

American Photojournalist

In the final scene in which the American Photojournalist appears, he is talking with Willard while Kurtz reads T. S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men".

Basil Valentine

A Latin translation of the text of Ein kurtz summarischer Tractat as Tripus Aureus, hoc est, Tres Tractatus Chymici Selectissimi, nempe I. Basilii Valentini...Practica una cum 12 clavibus & appendice, ex Germanico, Michael Maier (editor), Frankfurt: Paul Jacob for Lucas Jennis, 1618.

Benjamin Kurtz

His grandfather, Dr. John Nicholas Kurtz, a clergyman from Lutzelinden, Nassau-Weilburg, Germany and a graduate from the University of Halle, arrived in Pennsylvania in January 15, 1745 and served as a minister in Tulpehocken, Pennsylvania and York, Pennsylvania.

Chöre für Doris

On this same programme, on 22 October 1971 at the Théâtre de Ville in Paris, Marcel Couraud's chamber choir sang the Chöre für Doris for the first time, together with the contemporaneous Chorale ("Wer uns trug mit Schmerzen") (Kurtz 1992, 184).

David C. Johnson

Performances were held in the barn attached to the group's farmhouse in Oeldorf, near Kürten (Kurtz 1992, 200).

Downward to the Earth

It is a tale of the quest for transcendence (a frequent Silverberg theme) set on another planet, and includes references to Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad's classic tale of colonialism, including the name of Kurtz.


In 2008, Dragonette received a Juno Award nomination for Best New Group, while Kurtz and Sorbara wrote and produced the song "Grab a Hold" with Cyndi Lauper for her 2008 album Bring Ya to the Brink.

Für kommende Zeiten

The piano duo Intervall was premiered in London by Roger Woodward and Jerzy Romaniuk on 5 May 1972, and Ceylon was first performed by the Stockhausen Group at the Metz Festival on 22 November 1973 (Kurtz 1992, 254; Stockhausen 1978, 167).


It was begun at Easter 1975 in Morocco, and completed on Christmas Eve of the same year on Big Corn Island off the coast of Nicaragua (Kurtz 1992, 201).

John Barres

On Friday, December 13, 2013, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky), and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), named Bishop Barres to succeed Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., who had served since 2011, as the Episcopal Liaison to the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States.

Joseph Edward Kurtz

John L. Allen, Jr., a longtime Vatican watcher with the National Catholic Reporter, speculates that Kurtz is seen as a leading candidate for archbishop in a major American city with possible promotion to the exclusive rank of cardinal.

Leon Rom

In King Leopold's Ghost, author Adam Hochschild speculates that Rom was the inspiration for the character of Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness.

Maxwell Knight

A notable failing was his entrapment of Ben Greene, the pacifist Quaker refugee worker who was interned by the then Home Secretary, Sir John Anderson, as result of false evidence from Knight's agent provocateur Harald Kurtz.

Michael J. Kurtz

Michael J Kurtz is an astrophysicist at Harvard University, He has held the title of Astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics since 1983, and the addition post of Computer Scientist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory since 1984.

Michael L. Kurtz

In 1995, Kurtz testified on the Kennedy assassination before the Assassination Records Review Board chaired by federal district judge John R. Tunheim.

No Ennui

k.d. lang, Dayna Kurtz, Paula Cabor, Micki Korb, Claire Morkin, Paul Cebar, Paul Scher, Wesley Savick, Rob Gjersoe, Emily Saliers, Amy Ray - background vocals

Oeldorf Group

They were closely associated with the Cologne-based Feedback Studio, consisting of David C. Johnson, Johannes Fritsch, and Rolf Gehlhaar (Montague 1991, 197; Kurtz 1992, 200).

Principal Snyder

Snyder makes one more appearance in the role of Colonel Kurtz in Xander's Apocalypse Now-themed dream in the season four finale "Restless".

Robert Watts

Watts was employed by producer Gary Kurtz as production supervisor on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, having met Kurtz several years earlier in Los Angeles.


This revision was carried out during a holiday break in 1974, at N'Gor, a beach resort near Dakar in Senegal (Kurtz 1992, 50).

The Little Drummer Girl

The story follows the manipulations of Martin Kurtz, an Israeli spymaster who is trying to kill a Palestinian terrorist named Khalil, who is bombing Jewish-related targets in Europe, particularly Germany, and the English actress Charlie, who becomes a double agent working on behalf of the Israelis.

The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal

In the award of the Norton Medal (endowed by Charles Phelps Norton) to Kurtz in 2001, 'The Transcendental Temptation' was noted, amongst Kurtz's other contributions to secular humanism, as a seminal work on the topic.

White Lake, New York

Grand Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam, the Bobover Rebbe of 48th st. spends his summers at the nearby Chiel Kurtz Bungalo Colony in White Lake.

William Kurtz

Likewise, when Hermann Wilhelm Vogel's advances in color photography became known, Kurtz arranged to purchase the American rights to the "three-color process" from Vogel and was able to devise a way to apply it to halftone printing.


During this phase, "The Mancow Experience," "The Ed Tyll Show", "The Shannon Burke Show", "The Doc Show" with former WXXL morning host Doc Holliday; "Alex Jones, "The Todd Schnitt Show, "The Free Radicals" with hosts Whit Kincaid and John Kurtz; "The Train Wreck with Tim Vestite"; "The Nick and Artie Laing Show" and "The Phil Hendrie Show" all aired on the station at one time or another.

Young American Primitive

The voice sampling on the track "Over and Out" beginning with "Did you know that 'if' is the middle word in life..." is of Dennis Hopper from the film Apocalypse Now during the scene when the boat finally arrives at COL Walter E. Kurtz's outpost and is met by Hopper's character.

see also