
unusual facts about Laborers' International Union of North America

Jeff Tobolski

During the election he was endorsed by Chicago Federation of Labor, Service Employees International Union, Local 73, Chicago Firefighters Union, Local 2, LIUNA, Local 225, the Italian American Political Coalition and the Hispanic Illinois State Law Enforcement Association (HISLEA).

1920 Duluth lynchings

U.S. Steel, for instance, the most important regional employer, addressed labor concerns by leveraging African-American laborers, migrants from the South.

Abidin Dino

While his young wife Güzin Dino taught French at Adana High School, he worked for a local newspaper, producing articles and drawings that illustrated with poetic realism of the hard lives and working conditions of agricultural laborers in the region.

Ala Gertner

On October 28, 1940 she was ordered to report to the train station in nearby Sosnowiec, where she was taken to a Nazi labor camp in Geppersdorf (now Rzedziwojowice), a construction site where hundreds of Jewish men were forced laborers on the Reichsautobahn (now the E22 highway) and women worked in the kitchen and laundry.

Annibale Maria di Francia

On July 11, 1909 he wrote to Pope S. Pius X: "From my youth I have devoted myself to the words of the Gospel: Pray therefore the Lord of the Harvest...In my charitable institutions, orphans, poor, priests and nuns, all pray incessantly to the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to the Patriarch St. Joseph and to the Apostles, that they may provide the Holy Church with numerous and chosen laborers for the harvest of souls".

Arado Flugzeugwerke

Until their liberation in April 1945 by the Soviet army, 1,012 slave laborers from Freiburg, a sub-camp of the Flossenbürg concentration camp, worked at the Arado factory, beginning with the first trainload of 249 prisoners arriving in August 1944.

Arbeidernes Leksikon

The idea of such an encyclopedia came within the group that produced the laborers' magazine Arbeidermagasinet.

Arnstein Abbey

The Superior and Vice-Provincial of the monastery, Pater Alfons Spix, died in 1942 in the Dachau concentration camp, because he let the Polish forced laborers participate in worship and gave them breakfast.

Bank Hapoalim

The bank was established in 1921 by the Histadrut the Israeli trade union congress (lit. "General Federation of Laborers in the Land of Israel") and the World Zionist Organization.

Bread and Roses Heritage Festival

Ethan Snow of the UNITE HERE labor union expressed the continuity of the labor struggle by linking the Occupy Wall Street Movement's "99 percent" slogan to the 1912 strikers and to the plight of modern laborers in Lawrence: “One hundred years ago, workers took a stand against the greed of the 1%. Today we are faced with a similar situation in Lawrence, and we too will take up the fight for current day Bread & Roses.”

Campus Outreach

Also, the ministry takes very seriously the charge from Matthew 9:35-38 to raise up laborers, and not simply believers, by discipling new believers to share their faith with others, as stressed by Dawson Trotman and others.

Charles S. Johnson

In 1929 an American missionary in Liberia reported that Liberian officials were using soldiers to gather tribal people who were shipped to the island of Fernando Po as forced laborers.

Émile Gentil

The ship was then dismantled and hauled by African laborers through the forest to reach navigable portions of the Oubangui, where he founded the French station at Fort-Archambault near one of Sultan Rabih az-Zubayr's major towns, Kouno (now in the Chari-Baguirmi Region of Chad).

Esther Nisenthal Krinitz

For the next 3 years, German troops used Jewish slave laborers from Mniszek and the nearby city of Rachów to build roads and bridges for their Eastern campaign.

Fast offering

Over time, this practice was changed: the members, who were primarily farmers and laborers, had difficulty fasting on a day of regular labor, so the day of observance was changed to Sunday; and when money, in the form of specie instead of barter, became more available in the Utah Territory, members were encouraged to make their donations in cash, which could better be held until needed to purchase food.

Gold roll

Unskilled labor was variously sourced but the great majority of laborers were West Indians; their wages were paid in local silver-backed currency.

Heinrich Schwarz

Central to the role Schwarz played as commandant was the provision of slave-laborers to the nearby Buna Werke, a synthetic rubber factory owned by the German chemical company IG Farben.

Hukawng Valley

During World War II, the Ledo Road was built by the US Army across the Hukawng Valley, largely by African-American engineer battalions and Chinese laborers, in order to supply the armies of the Republic of China, who were then allied with the Western Allies in the war against the Empire of Japan.

Human rights in Qatar

Barwa, a Qatari contracting agency, is constructing a residential area for laborers known as Barwa Al Baraha (also called "Worker's City").

Hungary in World War II

Approximately half of the six thousand Jewish forced laborers working in the copper mines in Bor, Yugoslavia (now Serbia) were executed by the Germans during the death march from Bor to Győr on August - October 1944, including the 35 year old poet Miklós Radnóti, shot at the Hungarian village of Abda being too weak to continue after a savage beating.

Italians in Syracuse, New York

A news article in August 1882, stated that the Sanitary Inspector received a letter from Secretary Harris, of the New York State Board of Health, stating that typhus fever was prevalent among the Italian laborers on the West Shore Railroad.

José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz

Seven years later, after union laborers at Acindar's Villa Constitución plant elected a socialist shop steward, Martínez de Hoz retaliated by using his family's long-standing connections with the armed forces to have them brutally repressed.

Lê Thánh Tông

Twelve of them were enslaved to work as agricultural laborers, while the youngest, Wu Rui (吳瑞) was selected for castration since he was the only young man and he became a eunuch attendant at the Vietnamese imperial palace in Thang Long.

Loudermilk Boarding House

Located near Cornelia's downtown and its stop on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-line Railroad, it was used by travelers, WPA workers, railroad employees, war veterans, and farm laborers.

Ludovico Sabbatini

He involved himself with the Congregazione dei Pii Operai (Congregation of Pious Workers), teaching religion to the children of the poor and manual laborers of Naples and helping perform mass at the Church of San Nicola alla Caritá.

Marita Lorenz

Her mother was accused of helping forced laborers in Bremen escape, and Marita and her mother were incarcerated in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Mission San Luis de Apalachee

In 1688, San Marcos de Apalache at St. Marks was also built from lumber cut at San Luis, but it was left to rot when the skilled laborers were diverted to construct a fort in Apalachicola country in 1689.

Naples, Idaho

The name derives from the area in Italy which was home to many of the laborers who helped build the first rail line through the region around 1890.

Padrone system

1882 Chinese Exclusion Act—The Act barred entry of Chinese laborers for 10 years and denied citizenship to those already living in the United States.

Piers Plowman tradition

Anthony Anderson's The Shield of our Safetie (1581) uses Latimer's figure of the pastor as a plowman but is unwilling to ascribe special virtue to the commons and rural laborers.

Pomona Envisions the Future

As a locomotive approaches the end of the first section of the wall the landscape ends in trees that wrap around the corner of the reveal wall and the narrative picks up with a nod to Mexican muralists shown as a Diego Rivera influenced trompe l'oeil relief of laborers supporting a bowl containing the fruits of labor.

Samuel Bak

1944 On 2–3 July, forced laborers rounded up at the city’s camps, among them his father, are shot to death at the Ponary killing site, ten days before Vilna’s liberation.

Siege of Fort Stanwix

St. Leger, who was brevetted a brigadier general for the expedition, assembled a diverse force consisting of British regulars from the 8th and 34th Regiments, a number of artillerymen, 80 jäger from Hesse-Hanau, 350 Loyalists from the King's Royal Regiment of New York, a company of Butler's Rangers, and about 100 Canadien laborers.

SS Earl Dalhausie

The SS Earl Dalhousie is a full-rigged sailing ship, built in 1862, that transported British settlers in the 1870s to Australia, and was the fifth ship to participate in the Portuguese immigration to Hawaii when it brought contract laborers in 1882 from the Azores Islands to work on the Hawaiian sugar plantations.

The Soft Machine

As such an agent he makes a time travel machine and takes on a gang of Mayan priests who use the Mayan calendar to control the minds of slave laborers used for planting maize.

Union Labor Life Insurance Company

In a hastily organized board meeting late on April 23, 2003, Sweeney, board member Terence M. O'Sullivan, Jr. (president of the Laborers' International Union of North America) and Edwin D. Hill (president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) nominated a reform slate of 13 new board members.

Valle de los Caídos

There is also a large reference to this monument and the laborers who built it in Victoria Hislop's book The Return.

Vincent Saint John

Bulkeley Wells, a Telluride mining company president and manager who was "born to privilege... and was convinced laborers were beneath him," was intent upon hanging St. John.

Watsonville Riots

Filipino laborers frequenting pool halls or attending street fairs in Stockton, Dinuba, Exeter, and Fresno risked being attacked by nativists threatened by the swelling labor pool as well as the Filipino's presumed predatory sexual nature.

see also