
4 unusual facts about Laja River


During the war, in 1769 he led a malón against the region of Laja River and Los Ángeles taking cattle and destroying every estancia in their path.

Rele River

It has its origin to the south southeast of Santa Juana, from where it runs to the northeast from among the slopes of the heights of the Nahuelbuta Range and runs to the east to the Bio Bio River in which it empties a little above the confluence with the Laja River.

San Cristóbal de La Paz

It was located five or six kilometers to the southwest of Yumbel on the west shore of the Claro River to the north of its confluence with the Laja River.


It was abandoned and demolished by Gabriel Cano de Aponte in 1724 and he transferred its garrison and inhabitants to the bank of the Laja River near the Andes where a new Plaza de San Diego de Tucapel was built and later a town of Tucapel has established.

see also

San Rosendo

On the opposite bank of the Laja River is the city of Laja, forming both an incipient conurbation.